Biology Form 1 Syllabus
- Introduction To Biology Syllabus
- Basic Concepts and Terminologies of Biology Syllabus
- Explain the meaning of basic biological concepts and terminologies Syllabus
- Outline the characteristics of living things Syllabus
- Explain the importance of studying biology Syllabus
- Relate biological science with other related fields Syllabus
- Scientific Processes in Biology Syllabus
- Use own sense organs to make correct observations Syllabus
- Take measurements of mass, length, temperature and pulse rate Syllabus
- Carry out simple biological experiments Syllabus
- The Biology Laboratory Syllabus
- Describe the biology laboratory Syllabus
- Distinguish the biology laboratory from other school facilities Syllabus
- Interpret warning signs on containers of laboratory chemicals and apparatus Syllabus
- Identify common apparatus and equipment of biology laboratory Syllabus
- Safety In Our Environment Syllabus
- First Aid Syllabus
- Explain the meaning and importance of first aid at home and at school Syllabus
- Identity components of the first aid kit and their uses Syllabus
- Outline procedures of giving first aid to various victims Syllabus
- Safety at Home and School Syllabus
- Mention common accidents at home and school Syllabus
- Outline ways of preventing accidents at home and school Syllabus
- Explain ways of maintain safety at home and school Syllabus
- Waste Disposal Syllabus
- Explain the terms “Waste” and waste disposal Syllabus
- Identify types of waste Syllabus
- Outline basic principle of waste disposal Syllabus
- Demonstrate proper ways of disposing waste Syllabus
- Explain effects of poor waste disposal Syllabus
- Suggest proper ways of disposing waste in the surrounding community Syllabus
- The Concept of Health and Immunity Syllabus
- Explain the concepts of health and immunity Syllabus
- Mention types of body immunity and their importance Syllabus
- State factors which affects body immunity Syllabus
- Personal Hygiene and Good Manners Syllabus
- Explain concepts of personal hygiene and good manners Syllabus
- Outline principle of personal hygiene and good manners Syllabus
- Mention requirements of personal hygiene and good manners Syllabus
- Outline ways of maintaining proper personal hygiene during puberty Syllabus
- Explain the importance of personal hygiene and good manners Syllabus
- Infections and Diseases Syllabus
- Explain the meaning of the terms infection and disease Syllabus
- Mention common infections and diseases Syllabus
- Explain the causes, symptoms, mode of transmission and effects of common infections and diseases Syllabus
- Suggest appropriate preventive and control measures for common infections and diseases Syllabus
- Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDs) Syllabus
- Explain the meaning of HIV/AIDs, STIs, and STDs Syllabus
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) Syllabus
- Explain causes, symptoms, mode and transmission and effects of HIV/AIDs, STIs and STDs Syllabus
- Outline the preventive and control measures of HIV?AIDs, STIs and STDs Syllabus
- Management of STIs and HIV/AIDs Syllabus
- Explain ways of avoiding risky situations, risky behaviours and practices Syllabus
- Demonstrate necessary skills for avoiding risky behaviours, practices and situations Syllabus
- Care and Support of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) Syllabus
- Explain the importance of providing care and support to PLWHA in the family community and at school Syllabus
- Outline necessary care and support services provided to PLWHA in the family, community and at school Syllabus
- Explain the effects of discrimination and stigma to people living with HIV/AIDS to the individual, family and society Syllabus
- Cell Structure And Organization Syllabus
- The Concept of Cell Syllabus
- Explain the meaning of the cell Syllabus
- Mention the characteristics of the cell Syllabus
- Differentiate various types of cells Syllabus
- Explain the functions of different parts of plant and animal cells Syllabus
- Draw and label plant and animal cell Syllabus
- Outline similarities and differences of plant and animal cells Syllabus
- Cell Differentiation Syllabus
- Explain the concept of cell differentiation Syllabus
- Outline the importance of cell differentiation and formation of tissues, organs and body systems Syllabus
- Differentiate cells, tissues organs and body systems Syllabus
- Classification Of Living Things Syllabus
- Concept of Classification Syllabus
- Explain the concept of classification Syllabus
- Group living things according to their similarities and differences Syllabus
- Explain the importance of classifying living things Syllabus
- Classification Systems Syllabus
- Outline types of classification systems and their differences Syllabus
- Explain merits and demerits of each type of classification system Syllabus
- Carry out practical activities of classifying living things according to artificial and natural classification systems Syllabus
- Major Groups of Living Things Syllabus
- Mention major groups of living things Syllabus
- Outline ranks of classification Syllabus
- Carryout practical activities of grouping organisms into their respective major groups Syllabus
- Viruses Syllabus
- Explain general and distinctive features of viruses Syllabus
- Describe the structure of viruses Syllabus
- Outline advantages and disadvantages of viruses Syllabus
- Kingdom Monera Syllabus
- Explain general and distinctive features of the kingdom monera Syllabus
- Describe structures of the representative organisms of the kingdom monera Syllabus
- Outline the advantages and disadvantages of the kingdom monera Syllabus
- Outline the characteristics of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria Syllabus
- Kingdom Protoctista Syllabus
- Explain general and distinctive features of the kingdom protoctista Syllabus
- Mention phyla of the kingdom protoctista Syllabus
- Describe structure of amoeba and paramecium Syllabus
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of amoeba, euglena paramecium and plasmodium Syllabus
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